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 Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden

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Nữ Ngày Sinh : 16/04/2011
Posts : 235
Đến từ : korea

Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden   Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden EmptySat Apr 16, 2011 8:21 pm

The rain beats hard at my window
While you, so softly do sleep
And you can’t hear the cold wind blow
You are sleeping so deep

Outside its dark, the moon hiding
By starlight only I see
The hosts of the night-time go riding
But you are safe here with me

So, while the world out there is sleeping
And everyone wrapped up so tight
Oh, I am a vigil here keeping
On this stormy night
I promised I always would love you
If skies would be grey or be blue
I whisper the prayer now above you
That there will always be you

Sometimes, we're just like the weather
Changing by day after day
As long as we'll be together
Storms will pass away

I said I would guard and protect you
Keep you free from all harm
And if life should ever reject you
That love would weather each storm

So, while the world out there is sleeping
And everyone wrapped up so tight
Oh, I am a vigil here keeping
On this stormy night
I promised I always would love you
If skies would be grey or be blue
I whisper the prayer now above you
That there will always be you

Soon, I know you'll be waking,
Ask did I sleep- did I write?
And I'll just say I was making
A song... for a stormy night.
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Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden

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Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:21 pm
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♥™♥: heo_gaga
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Nữ Ngày Sinh : 16/04/2011
Posts : 235
Đến từ : korea
Ngày Sinh : 16/04/2011
Posts : 235
Đến từ : korea

Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden Vide

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden

Tiêu Đề : Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden

[̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅] (MÁI NHÀ TÌNH BẠN) [̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅]

The rain beats hard at my window
While you, so softly do sleep
And you can’t hear the cold wind blow
You are sleeping so deep

Outside its dark, the moon hiding
By starlight only I see
The hosts of the night-time go riding
But you are safe here with me

So, while the world out there is sleeping
And everyone wrapped up so tight
Oh, I am a vigil here keeping
On this stormy night
I promised I always would love you
If skies would be grey or be blue
I whisper the prayer now above you
That there will always be you

Sometimes, we're just like the weather
Changing by day after day
As long as we'll be together
Storms will pass away

I said I would guard and protect you
Keep you free from all harm
And if life should ever reject you
That love would weather each storm

So, while the world out there is sleeping
And everyone wrapped up so tight
Oh, I am a vigil here keeping
On this stormy night
I promised I always would love you
If skies would be grey or be blue
I whisper the prayer now above you
That there will always be you

Soon, I know you'll be waking,
Ask did I sleep- did I write?
And I'll just say I was making
A song... for a stormy night.

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Song For A Stormy Night - Secret Garden

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